Consolacion Agudo
Consolacion Agudo

Consolacion Agudo was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Carlos Arana
Carlos Arana

Carlos Arana was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Consuelo Asuncion 🐚
Consuelo Asuncion 🐚

Consuelo Asuncion was a Visayan-Tagalog baby born during the World’s Fair on September 12, 1904. Her parents were Salud Funcion and Dionicio Asuncion.

Aurelio Avellar
Aurelio Avellar

Aurelio Avellar was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Guillermo Baylen
Guillermo Baylen

Guillermo Baylen was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Feliciana Belarmino
Feliciana Belarmino

Feliciana Belarmino lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Daniel Belvis
Daniel Belvis

Daniel Belvis lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Francisco Berlin
Francisco Berlin

Francisco Berlin lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Flotilda Blanco
Flotilda Blanco

Flotilda Blanco was a Visayan woman from the central Philippines who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She was a weaver and spoke English and Spanish. She was reported to have said that she wanted to stay in the United States, but whether she actually did remains unconfirmed.

Macario Candelaria
Macario Candelaria

Macario Candelaria lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Agapito Castro
Agapito Castro

Agapito Castro lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Juan Conjugacion
Juan Conjugacion

Juan Conjugacion lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Emilio Constantino
Emilio Constantino

Emilio Constantino lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Pedro Coronel
Pedro Coronel

Pedro Coronel lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Juan de la Cruz
Juan de la Cruz

Juan de la Cruz was a Visayan dwarf from Panay who traveled to St. Louis with his sister Martina de la Cruz. They had performed extensively prior to the 1904 World’s Fair.

Martina de la Cruz
Martina de la Cruz

Martina de la Cruz was a Visayan dwarf from Panay who traveled to St. Louis with her brother Juan de la Cruz. They had performed extensively prior to the 1904 World’s Fair.

Emiliana Dayro
Emiliana Dayro

Emiliana Dayro lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Juan Deloso
Juan Deloso

Juan Deloso was a Visayan man from Iloilo around 43 years old. He was the director of the orchestra and lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Leon Dolor
Leon Dolor

Leon Dolor lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria Dolores 🐚
Maria Dolores 🐚

Maria Dolores was a Visayan baby born during the World’s Fair on September 17, 1904. She was the daughter of Escolastica Flores and Juan Dolores.

Rosa Estores
Rosa Estores

Rosa Estores lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Escolastica Flores
Escolastica Flores

Escolastica Flores was a Visayan woman who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She gave birth to Maria Dolores during the World’s Fair on September 17, 1904. She was the wife of Juan Dolores, a member of the Philippine Constabulary, who did not travel to St. Louis.

Fortunato Franco
Fortunato Franco

Fortunato Franco was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He was Aurelia Orman’s husband and father to their daughter, born during the World’s Fair.

Jose Franco
Jose Franco

Jose Franco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Luisa Franco
Luisa Franco

Luisa Franco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Salud Franco
Salud Franco

Salud Franco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Salud Funcion
Salud Funcion

Salud Funcion was a Visayan woman from Iloilo around 18 years old. On the ship to the United States she met and fell in love with Dionicio Asuncion. They were married at the Visayan church on the World’s Fair grounds. She is the mother of Consuelo Asuncion, who was born during the World’s Fair. She lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Silvestre Gordoncillo
Silvestre Gordoncillo

Silvestre Gordoncillo lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Sisto Granfel
Sisto Granfel

Sisto Granfel lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fortunata Gregorio
Fortunata Gregorio

Fortunata Gregorio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Graciana Gregorio
Graciana Gregorio

Graciana Gregorio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Vicente Gregorio
Vicente Gregorio

Vicente Gregorio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Marciana Huerbana
Marciana Huerbana

Marciana Huerbana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ignacio Jardinico
Ignacio Jardinico

Ignacio Jardinico lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Baldomera Javier
Baldomera Javier

Baldomera Javier lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fructuoso Jimenez
Fructuoso Jimenez

Fructuoso Jimenez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Andres Ponce de Leon
Andres Ponce de Leon

Andres Ponce de Leon lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Andres Linqueco
Andres Linqueco

Andres Linqueco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Eleuteria Linqueco
Eleuteria Linqueco

Eleuteria Linqueco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria de la Paz Linqueco
Maria de la Paz Linqueco

Maria de la Paz Linqueco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Teresa Lopez
Teresa Lopez

Teresa Lopez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Sinforosa Lumugdan
Sinforosa Lumugdan

Sinforosa Lumugdan was a Visayan woman who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She gave birth to Louisa Francis Silva during the World’s Fair on July 6, 1904. She was Ruperto Silva’s wife.

Felipe Macabinta
Felipe Macabinta

Felipe Macabinta lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Filemon Magbuana
Filemon Magbuana

Filemon Magbuana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Josefina Maquiling
Josefina Maquiling

Josefina Maquiling lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ceferino Maranon
Ceferino Maranon

Ceferino Maranon lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Quintin Maranon
Quintin Maranon

Quintin Maranon lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Francisca Marsan
Francisca Marsan

Francisca Marsan lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ruperto Martinez
Ruperto Martinez

Ruperto Martinez was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He was an actor in the village theater.

Benedicta Maying
Benedicta Maying

Benedicta Maying lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Saturnina Maysing
Saturnina Maysing

Saturnina Maysing lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Crispina Molinas
Crispina Molinas

Crispina Molinas lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Eufemia Montana
Eufemia Montana

Eufemia Montana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Arcadia Montero
Arcadia Montero

Arcadia Montero lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Jose Monteyro
Jose Monteyro

Jose Monteyro lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Albina Mosquera
Albina Mosquera

Albina Mosquera lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Rita Obseman
Rita Obseman

Rita Obseman lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Epifanio Octaviano
Epifanio Octaviano

Epifanio Octaviano lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Pantaleon Octaviano
Pantaleon Octaviano

Pantaleon Octaviano lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Aurelia Ormas
Aurelia Ormas

Aurelia Ormas was a Visayan woman who gave birth to a baby girl on July 14, 1904. The baby’s name is unknown. She was married to a Visayan man named Fortunato Franco and lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Aurelia Ormas' daughter 🐚
Aurelia Ormas' daughter 🐚

Aurelia Ormas’ daughter was born on July 14, 1904 in the Visayan Village. Her father was Fortunato Franco. Her name is unknown, but may have been Francisca.

Francisca Ormas
Francisca Ormas

Francisca Ormas lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Clothilde Jiz de Ortega
Clothilde Jiz de Ortega

Clothilde Jiz de Ortega lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Natividad Jiz de Ortega
Natividad Jiz de Ortega

Natividad Jiz de Ortega lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Vicente Jiz de Ortega
Vicente Jiz de Ortega

Vicente Jiz de Ortega lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ignacia Osano
Ignacia Osano

Ignacia Osano was a Visayan woman who came to St. Louis under an assumed name. She later revealed her real name prior to her wedding ceremony. She married Emilio Sornillo during the World’s Fair on October 16, 1904. She lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation and was a weaver and hatmaker.

Genoveva Palma
Genoveva Palma

Genoveva Palma lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Sisto Palma
Sisto Palma

Sisto Palma lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria de la Paz
Maria de la Paz

Maria de la Paz lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Mansueto Perez
Mansueto Perez

Mansueto Perez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Apolonio Quesada
Apolonio Quesada

Apolonio Quesada lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fernando Ramirez
Fernando Ramirez

Fernando Ramirez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria Ramirez
Maria Ramirez

Maria Ramirez was a Visayan woman from Iloilo who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She was Teresa Ramirez’s sister.

Teresa Ramirez
Teresa Ramirez

Teresa Ramirez was a Visayan teenager from Iloilo around 16 years old. She lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation and was photographed by Jessie Tarbox Beals. She objected to being labeled a savage in the Fair’s official pamphlet and wrote a letter of protest to the Chief of Publicity. She also refused to go to the school in the Philippine Village.

Sofia Secreto
Sofia Secreto

Sofia Secreto lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Romualdo Sejub
Romualdo Sejub

Romualdo Sejub lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Pablo Sequito
Pablo Sequito

Pablo Sequito lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Emilio Sornillo
Emilio Sornillo

Emilio Sornillo was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He married Ignacia Osano during the World’s Fair on October 16, 1904. They were married at the village church.

Silvestre Sigre
Silvestre Sigre

Silvestre Sigre lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fernando Silva
Fernando Silva

Fernando Silva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Louisa Francis Silva 🐚
Louisa Francis Silva 🐚

Louisa Francis Silva was a Visayan baby was born during the World’s Fair on July 6, 1904. Her mother was Sinforosa Lumugdan. She was named after her father, Ruperto Silva, and World’s Fair president David R. Francis.

Ruperto Silva
Ruperto Silva

Ruperto Silva was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He was Sinforosa Lumugdan’s husband and Louisa Francis Silva’s father, who was born during the World’s Fair.

Process Silva
Process Silva

Process Silva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Saturnina Silva
Saturnina Silva

Saturnina Silva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Gervacio Simeras
Gervacio Simeras

Gervacio Simeras lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ignacio Sindico
Ignacio Sindico

Ignacio Sindico lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Rufino Siuagan
Rufino Siuagan

Rufino Siuagan lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Leoncio Sobo
Leoncio Sobo

Leoncio Sobo lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Jose Sobremesana
Jose Sobremesana

Jose Sobremesana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Vivencio Sossa
Vivencio Sossa

Vivencio Sossa was a Visayan man around 20 years old. He lived in the Visayan Village and was a woodcarver. He carved a bust of Jose Rizal during the World’s Fair and later those of George Washington, Napoleon, McKinley, and David R. Francis.

Ciriaca Sultania
Ciriaca Sultania

Ciriaca Sultania lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Tomas Superio
Tomas Superio

Tomas Superio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria Tiquin
Maria Tiquin

Maria Tiquin lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Tomas Torres
Tomas Torres

Tomas Torres lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Rosendo Velasquez
Rosendo Velasquez

Rosendo Velasquez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Julian Villanueva
Julian Villanueva

Julian Villanueva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Elias Yosay
Elias Yosay

Elias Yosay lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Encarnacion Yulo
Encarnacion Yulo

Encarnacion Yulo lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Consolacion Agudo
Carlos Arana
Consuelo Asuncion 🐚
Aurelio Avellar
Guillermo Baylen
Feliciana Belarmino
Daniel Belvis
Francisco Berlin
Flotilda Blanco
Macario Candelaria
Agapito Castro
Juan Conjugacion
Emilio Constantino
Pedro Coronel
Juan de la Cruz
Martina de la Cruz
Emiliana Dayro
Juan Deloso
Leon Dolor
Maria Dolores 🐚
Rosa Estores
Escolastica Flores
Fortunato Franco
Jose Franco
Luisa Franco
Salud Franco
Salud Funcion
Silvestre Gordoncillo
Sisto Granfel
Fortunata Gregorio
Graciana Gregorio
Vicente Gregorio
Marciana Huerbana
Ignacio Jardinico
Baldomera Javier
Fructuoso Jimenez
Andres Ponce de Leon
Andres Linqueco
Eleuteria Linqueco
Maria de la Paz Linqueco
Teresa Lopez
Sinforosa Lumugdan
Felipe Macabinta
Filemon Magbuana
Josefina Maquiling
Ceferino Maranon
Quintin Maranon
Francisca Marsan
Ruperto Martinez
Benedicta Maying
Saturnina Maysing
Crispina Molinas
Eufemia Montana
Arcadia Montero
Jose Monteyro
Albina Mosquera
Rita Obseman
Epifanio Octaviano
Pantaleon Octaviano
Aurelia Ormas
Aurelia Ormas' daughter 🐚
Francisca Ormas
Clothilde Jiz de Ortega
Natividad Jiz de Ortega
Vicente Jiz de Ortega
Ignacia Osano
Genoveva Palma
Sisto Palma
Maria de la Paz
Mansueto Perez
Apolonio Quesada
Fernando Ramirez
Maria Ramirez
Teresa Ramirez
Sofia Secreto
Romualdo Sejub
Pablo Sequito
Emilio Sornillo
Silvestre Sigre
Fernando Silva
Louisa Francis Silva 🐚
Ruperto Silva
Process Silva
Saturnina Silva
Gervacio Simeras
Ignacio Sindico
Rufino Siuagan
Leoncio Sobo
Jose Sobremesana
Vivencio Sossa
Ciriaca Sultania
Tomas Superio
Maria Tiquin
Tomas Torres
Rosendo Velasquez
Julian Villanueva
Elias Yosay
Encarnacion Yulo
Consolacion Agudo

Consolacion Agudo was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Carlos Arana

Carlos Arana was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Consuelo Asuncion 🐚

Consuelo Asuncion was a Visayan-Tagalog baby born during the World’s Fair on September 12, 1904. Her parents were Salud Funcion and Dionicio Asuncion.

Aurelio Avellar

Aurelio Avellar was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Guillermo Baylen

Guillermo Baylen was part of the Visayan group from the Visayas region who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Feliciana Belarmino

Feliciana Belarmino lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Daniel Belvis

Daniel Belvis lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Francisco Berlin

Francisco Berlin lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Flotilda Blanco

Flotilda Blanco was a Visayan woman from the central Philippines who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She was a weaver and spoke English and Spanish. She was reported to have said that she wanted to stay in the United States, but whether she actually did remains unconfirmed.

Macario Candelaria

Macario Candelaria lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Agapito Castro

Agapito Castro lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Juan Conjugacion

Juan Conjugacion lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Emilio Constantino

Emilio Constantino lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Pedro Coronel

Pedro Coronel lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Juan de la Cruz

Juan de la Cruz was a Visayan dwarf from Panay who traveled to St. Louis with his sister Martina de la Cruz. They had performed extensively prior to the 1904 World’s Fair.

Martina de la Cruz

Martina de la Cruz was a Visayan dwarf from Panay who traveled to St. Louis with her brother Juan de la Cruz. They had performed extensively prior to the 1904 World’s Fair.

Emiliana Dayro

Emiliana Dayro lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Juan Deloso

Juan Deloso was a Visayan man from Iloilo around 43 years old. He was the director of the orchestra and lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Leon Dolor

Leon Dolor lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria Dolores 🐚

Maria Dolores was a Visayan baby born during the World’s Fair on September 17, 1904. She was the daughter of Escolastica Flores and Juan Dolores.

Rosa Estores

Rosa Estores lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Escolastica Flores

Escolastica Flores was a Visayan woman who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She gave birth to Maria Dolores during the World’s Fair on September 17, 1904. She was the wife of Juan Dolores, a member of the Philippine Constabulary, who did not travel to St. Louis.

Fortunato Franco

Fortunato Franco was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He was Aurelia Orman’s husband and father to their daughter, born during the World’s Fair.

Jose Franco

Jose Franco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Luisa Franco

Luisa Franco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Salud Franco

Salud Franco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Salud Funcion

Salud Funcion was a Visayan woman from Iloilo around 18 years old. On the ship to the United States she met and fell in love with Dionicio Asuncion. They were married at the Visayan church on the World’s Fair grounds. She is the mother of Consuelo Asuncion, who was born during the World’s Fair. She lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Silvestre Gordoncillo

Silvestre Gordoncillo lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Sisto Granfel

Sisto Granfel lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fortunata Gregorio

Fortunata Gregorio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Graciana Gregorio

Graciana Gregorio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Vicente Gregorio

Vicente Gregorio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Marciana Huerbana

Marciana Huerbana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ignacio Jardinico

Ignacio Jardinico lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Baldomera Javier

Baldomera Javier lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fructuoso Jimenez

Fructuoso Jimenez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Andres Ponce de Leon

Andres Ponce de Leon lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Andres Linqueco

Andres Linqueco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Eleuteria Linqueco

Eleuteria Linqueco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria de la Paz Linqueco

Maria de la Paz Linqueco lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Teresa Lopez

Teresa Lopez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Sinforosa Lumugdan

Sinforosa Lumugdan was a Visayan woman who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She gave birth to Louisa Francis Silva during the World’s Fair on July 6, 1904. She was Ruperto Silva’s wife.

Felipe Macabinta

Felipe Macabinta lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Filemon Magbuana

Filemon Magbuana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Josefina Maquiling

Josefina Maquiling lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ceferino Maranon

Ceferino Maranon lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Quintin Maranon

Quintin Maranon lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Francisca Marsan

Francisca Marsan lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ruperto Martinez

Ruperto Martinez was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He was an actor in the village theater.

Benedicta Maying

Benedicta Maying lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Saturnina Maysing

Saturnina Maysing lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Crispina Molinas

Crispina Molinas lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Eufemia Montana

Eufemia Montana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Arcadia Montero

Arcadia Montero lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Jose Monteyro

Jose Monteyro lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Albina Mosquera

Albina Mosquera lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Rita Obseman

Rita Obseman lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Epifanio Octaviano

Epifanio Octaviano lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Pantaleon Octaviano

Pantaleon Octaviano lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Aurelia Ormas

Aurelia Ormas was a Visayan woman who gave birth to a baby girl on July 14, 1904. The baby’s name is unknown. She was married to a Visayan man named Fortunato Franco and lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Aurelia Ormas' daughter 🐚

Aurelia Ormas’ daughter was born on July 14, 1904 in the Visayan Village. Her father was Fortunato Franco. Her name is unknown, but may have been Francisca.

Francisca Ormas

Francisca Ormas lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Clothilde Jiz de Ortega

Clothilde Jiz de Ortega lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Natividad Jiz de Ortega

Natividad Jiz de Ortega lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Vicente Jiz de Ortega

Vicente Jiz de Ortega lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ignacia Osano

Ignacia Osano was a Visayan woman who came to St. Louis under an assumed name. She later revealed her real name prior to her wedding ceremony. She married Emilio Sornillo during the World’s Fair on October 16, 1904. She lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation and was a weaver and hatmaker.

Genoveva Palma

Genoveva Palma lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Sisto Palma

Sisto Palma lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria de la Paz

Maria de la Paz lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Mansueto Perez

Mansueto Perez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Apolonio Quesada

Apolonio Quesada lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fernando Ramirez

Fernando Ramirez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria Ramirez

Maria Ramirez was a Visayan woman from Iloilo who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. She was Teresa Ramirez’s sister.

Teresa Ramirez

Teresa Ramirez was a Visayan teenager from Iloilo around 16 years old. She lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation and was photographed by Jessie Tarbox Beals. She objected to being labeled a savage in the Fair’s official pamphlet and wrote a letter of protest to the Chief of Publicity. She also refused to go to the school in the Philippine Village.

Sofia Secreto

Sofia Secreto lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Romualdo Sejub

Romualdo Sejub lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Pablo Sequito

Pablo Sequito lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Emilio Sornillo

Emilio Sornillo was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He married Ignacia Osano during the World’s Fair on October 16, 1904. They were married at the village church.

Silvestre Sigre

Silvestre Sigre lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Fernando Silva

Fernando Silva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Louisa Francis Silva 🐚

Louisa Francis Silva was a Visayan baby was born during the World’s Fair on July 6, 1904. Her mother was Sinforosa Lumugdan. She was named after her father, Ruperto Silva, and World’s Fair president David R. Francis.

Ruperto Silva

Ruperto Silva was a Visayan man who lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation. He was Sinforosa Lumugdan’s husband and Louisa Francis Silva’s father, who was born during the World’s Fair.

Process Silva

Process Silva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Saturnina Silva

Saturnina Silva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Gervacio Simeras

Gervacio Simeras lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Ignacio Sindico

Ignacio Sindico lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Rufino Siuagan

Rufino Siuagan lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Leoncio Sobo

Leoncio Sobo lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Jose Sobremesana

Jose Sobremesana lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Vivencio Sossa

Vivencio Sossa was a Visayan man around 20 years old. He lived in the Visayan Village and was a woodcarver. He carved a bust of Jose Rizal during the World’s Fair and later those of George Washington, Napoleon, McKinley, and David R. Francis.

Ciriaca Sultania

Ciriaca Sultania lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Tomas Superio

Tomas Superio lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Maria Tiquin

Maria Tiquin lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Tomas Torres

Tomas Torres lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Rosendo Velasquez

Rosendo Velasquez lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Julian Villanueva

Julian Villanueva lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Elias Yosay

Elias Yosay lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

Encarnacion Yulo

Encarnacion Yulo lived in the Visayan Village on the Philippine Reservation.

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